中文書名 English Title 作者 Author
如何讓顧客離不開你 Indispensable: How To Become The Company That Your Customers Can't Live Without Joe Calloway
M型社會白領的新試煉 Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream Barbara Ehrenreich
善良的能力 - 如何用仁慈征服商業世界 The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World With Kindness Linda Kaplan Thaler
Robin Koval

外包 黑皮書

The Black Book of Outsourcing: How to Manage the Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities H. Douglas Brown
Scott Wilson
權力之路:如何進入美商界高層 Paths to Power: How Insiders and Outsiders Shaped American Business Leadership Anthony J. Mayo
Nitin Nohria
中国:决算表 Assessing Contemporary China: The China Balance Sheet Bates Gill  
Nicholas R. Lardy
經濟殺手的告白 Confessions of an Economic Hit Man John Perkins
The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy Noreena Hertz
私募股權基金凱雷: 政商遊走實錄
The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group Dan Briody
政商巨獸: 貝泰公司 Friends In High Places: The Bechtel Story: The Most Secret Corporation and How It Engineered the World Laton Mccartney
中國CEO:20位外商執行長談中國市場 China CEO: Voices of Experience from 20 International Business Leaders Juan Antonio Fernandez
Laurie Underwood
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century Thomas L. Friedman
下一步 (中國企業的全球化路徑) Next Step – 
The Path to Going Global for Chinese Firms
Jihong W. Sanderson

●省錢集團● 省錢網 + 比價網 + 折扣網 + 超值網●省錢智庫●
●省钱集团● 省钱网 + 比价网 + 折扣网 + 超值网 ●省钱智库●

●發發集團● 發發平台 + 發發論壇 + 發發專案 + 發發黃頁●發發網●
●发发集团● 发发平台 + 发发论坛 + 发发专案 + 发发黄页 ●发发网●

Executive Mandarin Lessons for Corporate America
(Chinese is becoming a strategic language for business executives)

〈中国商界〉杂志2007年七月版    京演全文

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